
About Me

My mother named me Katelyn but I like Kat best. I'm 19, a student at Florida State University, and overly-enthusiastic about things like denim vests and teapots.

I was born and raised in Pensacola, FL, and learned to swim before I learned to walk. I'm basically useless without caffeine and if I had to, I could survive solely on sweet tea. I dye my hair way too often  and still don't know how to properly apply liquid eyeliner. I'm the oldest of 3 kids, and convinced that my parents used me as a test-dummy for how to properly raise my brother and sister, but with the exception of an inability to see without 80-year-old-strength contacts or curl my tongue, I think I turned out (mostly) alright.

This is, in essence, a lifestyle blog of a struggling college student who's trying desperately to break into her desired career field. It's a place for step-by-step tutorials, outfits, bulleted lists, and gratuitous pictures of my cat Margaery in precarious situations.

I've taught myself to sew, and I'm still learning new things every day, so this is all a learning experience for me as well, and I'm open to any tips, advice, or constructive criticism you might have to help me and other readers improve on my ideas.

Feel free to message me any time with questions, ideas, links, or just to chat. I know everyone says it, but I honestly do love meeting new people and hearing other points of view. This is a work in progress (as is my life) so hang with me.

You can reach me via email (, or if you really just want to analyze my brain, you can see what I'm currently looking at on my Pinterest boards. Sometimes I tweet about my obsession with B-list celebrities and my jobs making sandwiches and chasing toddlers.

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